Dr. Christopher Palmer
Professor of English
Office: EB 076
Chris C. Palmer researches and publishes on present-day and historical English linguistics, including articles and books on word-formation, historical sociolinguistics, and pedagogy. Most recently, he's been studying the teaching of language variation and change in both U.S. and global Englishes, and interdisciplinary connections between linguistics, literature, and writing studies. He's been an editor for volumes from MLA and Routledge; for book reviews at the journal Token: A Journal of English Linguistics; and for special issues at journals such as Across the Disciplines. He regularly teaches courses on World Englishes, Intercultural Communication, and Intro to Professional Writing.
Concentration Area(s)
- Composition and Rhetoric
MAPW Courses Taught
- PRWR 6000 Intro to Professional Writing
- PRWR 6760 World Englishes
- PRWR 6860 Intercultural Communication in Context
Select Publications
- (2022, Routledge) Teaching English Language Variation in the Global Classroom
- (2019, Routledge) Teaching Language Variation in the Classroom
- (2019, MLA) Teaching the History of the English Language