Dr. Ralph Wilson
Professor of English
Email: rtwilson@kennesaw.edu
Office: EB 126
Ralph Tejeda Wilson is a Professor of English at Kennesaw State University and a graduate faculty member of the Master of Arts in Professional Writing program.
He was awarded the Georgia Author of the Year Award for Poetry 2002 for his book,
A Black Bridge (University of Nevada Press). He has published more than 80 poems, stories, essays,
and reviews in newspapers and numerous literary journals. Some of these include Antioch Review, The North American Review, The Atlanta Review, The Tampa Review ,
Spoon River Poetry Review, Puerto Del Sol, Prairie Schooner, Passages North, The New
England Review, The Texas Review, and others.
Concentration Area(s)
- Creative Writing
MAPW Courses Taught
- PRWR 6470 Poetry Writing I
- PRWR 6800 Careers in Professional Writing
- PRWR 7470 Poetry Writing II
Select Publications
Coming soon!