Dr. Andrew Plattner

Dr. Andrew PlattnerAssistant Professor of English and Creative Writing

Office: EB 258

Andy Plattner earned his undergraduate degree in English at Kansas Newman College and his doctorate in Philosophy (Creative Writing) from the University of Southern Mississippi. He has published six books, including award-winning story collections, Winter Money (Flannery O’ Connor Award), Dixie Luck (Ferrol Sams Fiction Prize) and Tower: Stories (Georgia Author of the Year) and the novel Offerings from a Rust Belt Jockey, which earned the Dzanc Mid-Career Novel Prize and the Castleton-Lyons Award for best book on thoroughbred racing. His forthcoming book, Stymie, a novel in stories, will be published in the spring of 2025 by Mercer University Press.

Plattner has won gold medals in both novel and novella writing from the Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society and his fiction has appeared in literary journals such as Epoch, The Literary Review, Southern Review, Paris Review, Shenandoah, Northwest Review, Fiction, Sewanee Review, Mississippi Review, New World Writing Quarterly, Swing, Litbreak, Folio and Chattahoochee Review. He has taught fiction writing at Emory University, University of Tampa and University of Southern Mississippi. In Kennesaw’s MAPW program, he teaches both fiction and advanced fiction writing. He serves as the faculty advisor to the program’s literary journal The Headlight Review and directs the journal’s burgeoning Author Interview series.

  • Link to CV (coming soon)