Alumni Credit MAPW for Job Successes
(May 20, 2019) — Two MAPW alumni are reportingnew job positions. Spring 2019 graduate Diana Prokopiev is startingas a Digital Communications Content Writer and Editor at In Touch Ministries.
The metro-Atlanta based church produces electronic and print media that reaches more
than 1.5 million households worldwide. “I can confidently say if I had not completed
the MAPW program, I probably would not have received this position,”Diana said. Diana
began her MAPW studies as an Accelerated Bachelor to Masters student. The program
allows KSU undergraduates to obtain graduate course credits. As an MAPW student,she
worked as a Graduate Teaching Assistantand travelled to make presentations at the
Southeastern Writing CenterAssociationconference. “I convey a giant ‘Thank you’to
all of the orchestrated efforts of the MAPW program faculty that allowed me to succeed
in the program and find employment afterward,”Diana said.
In related news, Melva Robertson, a 2005 graduate of the MAPW, announced that she has been promoted to Director of
Communications for the Laney Graduate School at Emory University. In this capacitysheservesas
chief communications officer on the senior leadership team and directsall internal
andexternal communications. “My favorite aspect of my new role, which directly correlates
to my capstone at KSU,”Melva said, “is that I am the principal writer for speeches,
addresses, talking points and otherexecutive communications for the Laney Graduate
School dean. I am totally confident in this position due to the amazing preparation
that I received from the MAPW.Thanks to MAPW and all that you do!”Melva also runs
her own company,The Write Media Group.
Congratulations to Diana and Melva! MAPW program faculty and administration arealways happy to learn of alumni successes. Please contact us with your news at