
The Chinese Studies Program is your gateway to one of the world’s oldest and richest civilization. We open and pave your way to multiple China-related fields with solid preparation in the Chinese language, literature, and culture. We train you to achieve advanced language proficiency in Mandarin Chinese and to think critically about Chinese cultural phenomena.

Spring 2025 Course Offerings

  • Course
  • CHIN 1001/01
    Elementary Chinese I
    TR 2:00 - 3:15
  • CHIN 1001/02
    Elementary Chinese I
    TR 11:00 - 12:15
  • CHIN 1001/W01
    Elementary Chinese I (synchronous online)
    MW 3:30 - 4:45
  • CHIN 1001/W02
    Elementary Chinese I (33% hybrid)
    MW(F) 11:15 - 12:05
  • CHIN 1002/01
    Elementary Chinese II
    TR 11:00 - 12:15
  • CHIN 1002/W01
    Elementary Chinese II (synchronous online)
    MW 3:30 - 4:45
  • CHIN 2001
    Intermediate Chinese I 
    TR 2:00 - 3:15
  • CHIN 2002
    Intermediate Chinese II
    MW 3:30 - 4:45
  • CHIN 4404
    Chinese for Professionals
    TR 2:00 - 3:15
  • CHIN 4434/W01 
    Topics in language, culture, and literature (asynchronous online)

Chinese Major

The B.A. in Modern Language and Culture has four concentrations to choose from:

  • Second Language and Culture
  • Teacher Certification in Foreign Language (FLED)
  • Applied Business
  • Cross-disciplinary Perspectives

Chinese Minor

Why Study Chinese?

There are many compelling reasons to study Chinese:

  1. China is one of the world’s oldest and richest cultures, over 5000 years old.
  2. China is currently the second largest economy in the world.
  3. China is one of largest trading partners of the United States.
  4. Speaking Chinese is an asset and will open new doors for you.
  5. Knowing Chinese may give you an edge when applying for competitive positions.
  6. Knowing Chinese may give you new perspectives to look at the world.

Career opportunities with Chinese


Download the latest guidelines

Chinese Club

Every year the Chinese Language and Culture Club organizes a series of cultural events, including a celebration of the Chinese New Year with food and student performances, Chinese cultural workshops, excursion to the local Chinese communities, and guest lectures on China-related topics.

Join Chinese Language and Culture Club on GroupMe or OwlLife.

Chinese Language and Culture Club Advisor: Dr. Sha Huang (
