Research and Creative Activity
Anya Bernardy, translator. Diaries for Stefan Zweig, by José Prats Sariol. Editorial Casia Vacia, 2023.
Sha Huang “A tale of two less successful CSL readers: A qualitative study of reading
difficulties and strategies to use,” Reading in Chinese as an additional language: Learners’ development, instruction,
and assessment, edited by Liu Li and Dongbo Zhang, Routledge, 2023.
Wenhua Jin, Chunsheng Yang, Yiping Zhang, and Wayne Wenchao He. "Acquisition of three
Chinese de structures by English-speaking learners." Chinese as a Second Language, vol. 58, no. 1, Dec 2023, pp. 23 - 60.
Lucien Brown, Soung-U Kim, and Hyunji Kim. “The embodied enactment of politeness metapragmatics.” Journal of Politeness Research, vol. 19, no. 1, 2023, pp. 149-183.
Thierry Léger. « Folie, » Les Cahiers J.-M.G. Le Clézio, № 16, Abécédaire : Le Procès-verbal. Passage(s), 2023, pp. 107-116.
Thierry Léger. « Philosophie, » Les Cahiers J.-M.G. Le Clézio, № 16, Abécédaire :
Le Procès-verbal. Passage(s), 2023, pp. 183-194.
Hellena Moon. Liberalism and Colonial Violence: Charting a New Genealogy of Spiritual Care,
Pick Wick Publications, 2023.
Brian Olovson. "Collaboration and Writing Development in L2 Spanish: A Microanalytic
Perspective." Dimensions, vol. 58, no. 1, 2023, pp. 10–33.
Gyewon Jang, Gertrude Tinker Sachs, and Jee Hye Park. "Conflicting understandings
of multicultural society, global world, and English: Multimodal content analysis of
5 Korean elementary EFL textbooks." Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.
Zaya Rustámova. “Latin@ Visions: Race and Gender Representations in Netflix’ Cocaine
Coast." Americanized Spanish Culture: Stories and Storytellers of Dislocated Empires. Edited By Christopher J. Castañeda and Miquel Bota. Routledge, June 2022, pp. 144-157.
Zaya Rustámova. “Spanish Krausism: Visions of Spain’s Progressive Future through the
Prism of German Philosophy.” Hispanic Studies Review, vol. 6, no. 1, 2022.
Zaya Rustámova. "Resilience of No Longer Others." The Academic Minute. National Public Radio. May 16, 2023.
Federica Santini. “When There is no Light.” Panoply, Issue 23, January 2023.
Federica Santini. “Night Swim.” Witchery, Issue 4, Oct. 2023
Federica Santini. “The Three Pomegranates." Tangled Locks Journal, Issue 10, Oct. 2023.
Federica Santini and Andrea Scapolo. "Studying the Holocaust and the Jewish Experience
at Kennesaw State University: Pathways for Students and Beyond." Italica, vol. 100, no. 1, speing 2023, pp. 98–104.
Andrea Scapolo and Angela Porcarelli (Eds). Interpreting Urban Spaces in Italian Cultures, Amsterdam University Press, 2023.
Robert Simon “The Tongue and the Bee: Ana Rossetti, Clara Janés, and the Embodied
Discourse of Mystical Sexuality.” Hispanic Studies Review, vol. 7, no. 1, January 2023.
Robert Simon. “Just send an email”. Last Stanza Poetry Journal, vol. 11, 2023
Robert Simon. “Tefillin,” Jewish Literary Journal, Issue 119, April 2023:
Robert Simon. Mystical Symbolism and the Posthuman in the 20th and 21st Century Poetic Voice of
Ana Rossetti, Lexington Books, 2023.
Abby Alexander, Chris Ray, and Jon Cogburn, translators. The Architecture of the Possible by Tristan Garcia. Wiley, 2022.
Noëlle Brown. "Review of Dressing Up: The Women who Influenced French Fashion, Elizabeth
L. Block," Nineteenth Century French Studies Journal, vol. 60, nos. 1-2, Fall-Winter
Sha Huang. “Questions”《问》Quarterly Literary Journal: First Line New York 《纽约一行》 Volume
Lee Jackson. “Narco-trafficking and Camba Identity in Homero Carvalho Oliva’s La conspiración
de los viejos.” Bolivian Studies Journal, Vol. 28, 2022.
Lucien Brown, Hyunji Kim, and Bodo Winter. “Is It Polite to Hiss? Nonverbal Sound Objects as Markers of (Im)politeness
in Korean.” Frontiers in Communication, volume 7, 2022.
Lucien Brown, Hyunji Kim, Iris Hübscher, Bodo Winter. "Gestures are modulated by social context: A study of
multimodal politeness in two cultures." Gesture, Volume 21, Issue 2-3, Dec 2022, pp. 167 - 200.
Noah McLaughlin. “Metacognition in Online Language Learning: Putting Principles into
Practice.” Online Language Teaching in Diverse Contexts, edited by Rachel Friedman and Angela George, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022,
pp. 42-58.
Federica Santini. “For Women Only” and “A Toast to the End of the World,” The Ocotillo
Review, Vol. 6, no. 2, Summer 2022, pp. 60-64.
Federica Santini. "Fires/Fallen,” “Other Alices,” and “Morning After” Defunct Magazine
(Long Island University), no. 11, Dec. 2022.
Federica Santini. "Review of Nicole Greaves' Having Witnessed the Illusion." Ovunque Siamo, Fall 2022.
Murtha Baca and Federica Santini, translators and editors. Laura Liberale, Thanato-Aesthetics, Agincourt Press, 2022.
Luigi Ballerini and Federica Santini, translators. "Poems by Peter Gizzi," Rossocorpolingua, Vol. 5, no. 4, Dec 2022, pp. 77-131.
Robert Simon. “O Amor em Chamas: O Amor e a Sociedad em Guardar o Fogo (2013) de Joaquim Pessoa.” Romance Notes. Vol. 62, No. 1, 2022, pp. 185-96.
Robert Simon interviewed by Millicent Borges Accardi.“Robert Simon: A Lover of All
Things Portuguese.” Portuguese-American Journal, 13 July, 2022
Robert Simon. “Clara Janés: la poética cuántica o la física de la poesía.” Madrid,
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2021. Anales de la Literatura Española
Contemporánea, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2022, p. 154-56
Nyasha M. GuramatunhuCooper, Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, Uttam Kokil, and Sabine Smith. "Cross-Cultural Contexts of Teaching and Learning: Experiences of International
Faculty at a Southeastern University in the United States." Currents in Teaching and Learning, vol.14, no. 1, September 2022, pp 55-69.
Andrea Scapolo. "Maria/Medea/Ulrike: Figures of Destituent Power in the Feminist Theater
of Franca Rame." K. Revue trans-européenne de philosophie et arts, n. 8, January 2022, pp. 290-306.
Zaya Rustamova "Latin@ Visions: Race and Gender Representations in Netflix’s Cocaine Coast." Americanized Spanish Culture Stories and Storytellers of Dislocated Empires. Edited By Christopher J. Castañeda, Miquel Bota, Routledge. 2022, pp. 144-157.

"Reflective Learning Through Observation, Performance, and Design: Intermediate Italian
Beyond the Textbook"
By Mattia Begali, Laura Bilanceri,
Andrea Scapolo, and Emily Sposeto. In
Italica Vol. 98. n. 3

Poetry of Life, the Life of Poetry: Essays in Honor of Jacques Neefs
Festschrift in co-edited by
Abilgail Ray Alexander in
Modern Language Notes, Volume 136, no. 4, September 2021 (French Issue) Supplement.

“Une sorte de lien...”: Madame Bovary alongside Notre-Dame de Paris."
Article by
Abigail Ray Alexander in
Modern Language Notes, Volume 136, no. 4, September 2021 (French Issue) Supplement, pp. S-90-119.

"(Dis)locación exílica y espacio (trans)nacional."
Essay by
Arturo Matute Castro in
Reinaldo Arenas: La escritura como destino. Edited by Rita Molinero and Yolanda Izquierdo (Isla Negra Editores, 2021).

“Tra un mondo che si disfa e uno che si fa: neoavanguardia e sperimentazione in Principessa
Giacinta di Rossana Ombres.”
Article by Beppe Cavatorta and
Federica Santini in
Studi Novecenteschi, Vol. XLVIII, N. 101, 2021, pp. 137-159.

"Addressing Loss and Nostalgia: Two Cuban Diasporic Novels of the Nineties."
Article by
Arturo Matute Castro in
Forum For Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature, no. 2 (December 2021)

"Estación Miami: la experiencia diaspórica en crónicas de Legna Rodríguez Iglesias."
Article by Arturo Matute Castro in Cuadernos del Sur, no. 50 (2020).

"Voces en Disensión: la Articulación de Archivos Silenciados"
Article by Arturo Matute Castro, Zaya Rustamova and Andrea Scapolo in Gramma, Vol. 31, Núm. 10 (2020).

Poetry chapbook written by Federica Santini and published by Kelsay Books

An Ode to Friendship
Public poetry reading by Robert Simon, July 13, 2021, at the Switzer Library, Marietta, GA.

"“As Ilhas Prisões, As Prisões das Ilhas: Algumas Reflexões sobre o Símbolo da Ilha-Cárcere
e a Noção da Ilha Encarcerada ...”
Written by Robert Simon in Ilhas de Vozes em Reencontros Compartilhados. Susana Antunes, Coordating Editor, Universalia, 2021, pp. 431-442.

"Sine linea: citazioni spezzate e rifiuto della logica di mercato in alcuni testi
di Luigi Ballerini"
Written by Federica Santini in Il Remo di Ulisse. Saggi della poesia e la poetica di Luigi Ballerini, edited by Ugo Perolino, Marsilio Editori, 2021, pp. 59-72.

"Lost & Found Memories: Letters to Dr. P. from his Senegalese Students"
Written by
Cherif Diop in the April 2021
Journal of the African Literature Association.

"Spaces of Critique & Transformation inBande de filles"
Written by
Noah McLaughlin in
Popular Culture Review, volume 32, no. 1, Winter 2021.

"On Biting"
Written by
Federica Santini in
Q/A Poetry Journal no. 33.

"After the Flood”
Poems written by
Federica Santini in
Iris Literary Journal, volume I, issue 3, Fall 2020.

"Coiling Heat," "Full House ATL," and "Standing Still"
Poems written by
Federica Santini in
Verse-Virtual, volume 8, no. 1, January 2021.

An Ode to Friendship
Poetry volume written by
Robert Simon and published by Finishing Line Press

"Enhancing Engineering Course Evaluations: An Intercultural Competence Intervention
and Assessment Program"
Explorance Faculty Research Grant awarded to Awatef Ergai, Ginny Zhan,
Sabine Smith, and
Shane Peterson

"Transcendence and Abjection in Vergílio Alberto Vieira’s Cleptopsydra"
Written by
Robert Simon in
Journal of Lusophone Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, Fall 2020, pp. 141-157.

"Longing for Return: An Existential Search and Identity Formation in Almodovar’s Volver"
Written by
Zaya Rustamova in
Humanities Bulletin, vol. 30, no. 3, Nov 2020, pp. 237-245.

“Not Our Own” and “The Last Speech”
Poems written by
Federica Santini in
VIA: Voices in Italian America vol. 31, no. 1-2, pp 135-136.

Eight poems from "Quiet Woman" by Katie Kalis
Translated by
Sha Huang in
散文诗(Prose and Poetry), 2020, vol 5

"Rising She Spreads" & "Easters"
Poems written by
Federica Santini for
Plath Profiles 12.1 (2020), pp. 38-39.

"L'Asie et l'interculturel dans l'œuvre de Le Clézio"
Written by
Thierry Léger for
Les Cahiers J.-M. G. Le Clézio, no. 13, 2020 pp. 119-132.

"Violence and Silencing Systems in Nawal El Saadawi’s God Dies by the Nile"
Written by
Chérif Diop for
The New York African Studies Association Newsletter no. 73, Spring/Summer 2020.

Thomas Bernhard's Afterlives
Edited by
Olaf Berwald, Stephen D. Dowden, Gregor Thuswaldner and published by
Bloomsbury New York.

"Queering the Italian Classroom: A Course on Gender and Society in Italy"
Andrea Scapolo in
Italica vol. 97, no. 3, Fall 2020

"Online, Hybrid, Hyflex, and High Stress: Preparing for Fall 2020"
July 2020 IALLT Webinar by Kevin Gaugler, Florencia Henshaw and
Noah McLaughlin in

"Scattered Ashes: The Reception of the Gramscian Legacy in Postwar Italy"
Andrea Scapolo in
Gramsci in the World, eds. Fredric Jameson and Roberto Dainotto (Duke University Press, 2020)

Robert Simon in
The Academic Minute, 21 July 2020

"Voices from the margin: female protagonists navigating power geometries"
Written by
Oumar Cherif Diop in the
Routledge Handbook of Minority Discourses in African Literature

Nuova poesia Americana. Chicago e le praterie
Select poems translated by
Federica Santini. Published by
Nino Aragno Editore

Translations of春的暴力 (Violence of Spring), 礼物 (The Gift), and 九月的火焰 (Flame of September
in Ta Bei)
Sha Huang in the
Anthology of Chinese Poetry, edited by Xuan Gong, from Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, pp 96-101.

Translations into Italian of Poems by Anne Sexton
Federica Santini and Beppe Cavatorta,
JIT, Journal of Italian Translation, Vol. XIV, N. 2, Fall 2019, p. 72-85.

"'Finally I made it to the City': Comic Violence and Culture Clashes in Ruzante’s
Written by
Andrea Scapolo in
Annali d'Italianistica 37, pages 1-26.

"The Vitruvian Source of Marvell’s Tortoise in 'Upon Appleton House, To My Lord Fairfax'"
Written by
Dylan Goldblatt in
South Central Review 36.3, Fall 2019

"Fostering creativity and language skills of foreign language learners through SMART
learning environments: Evidence from fifth‐grade Korean EFL learners"
Written by Keun Huh &
Jeongyi Lee in
TESOL Journal

"Staging the Revolution: The Politics of the Theater of Dario Fo and Franca Rame"
Written by
Andrea Scaplo in
Essays on Dario Fo: Remembering the Consummate Playwright/Performer, edited by Antonio Scuderi, from Troubadour Publishing Ltd.

"Guilt and Autonomy in Geoffrey Hill’s and Hermann Broch’s Works"
Written by
Olaf Berwald in
Complicity and the Politics of Representation, edited by Cornelia Wächter and Robert Wirth, from Rowland and Littlefield International.

“Waiting as Resistance: Confined Spaces in Broch and Weiss"
Written by
Olaf Berwald in
Timescapes of Waiting: Spaces of Stasis, Delay and Deferral, edited by Christoph Singer, Robert Wirth and Olaf Berwald, from Brill.

"Happiness, The Wound and the Word: Aminatta Forna Joins the Conversation on Trauma."
Written by
Omar Chérif Diop in the Cambridge
Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry, vol 6.3, September 2019 , pp. 388-399

"Acquisition of Tone Sandhis by English Speaking Learners of Chinese"
Written by
Wenhua Jin in the
Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages. Vol 25, pp 67-107.

Deconstructing the Model in 20th and 21-st Century Italian Experimental Writings
Edited by Beppe Cavatorta and
Federica Santini. Published by
Cambridge Scholars Press

"Las voces de la memoria en la serie televisiva Cuéntame cómo pasó"
Written by
Zaya Rustamova and published in
Mito e historia en la televisión y el cine español, edited by Christine Blackshaw Naberhaus (Albatros Ediciones. Valencia, 2019, p.

Blanca Andreu, Galicia, and the New Iberian Mysticism: From Post-Mortem to Post-Mystic
Written by
Robert Simon and published by
Rowman and Littlefield

"Effective Strategies Groups Used by Readers of Chinese as a Foreign Language"
Written by
Sha Huang Reading in a Foreign Language 30.1 (2018), pp 1-28
"北美中文学习者词汇推测研究: 策略,困难,及教学建议 (An investigation into word inferring process of CFL learners in America: Strategies, difficulties, and pedagogical implication
Written by
Sha Huang in 中美人文学刊 (
Sino-American Humanity Studies), volume 2

"Authentic Texts as Reading Materials in a Chinese as a Foreign Language Classroom:
Learners’ Perceptions and Pedagogical Implications"
Written by S
ha Huang in
The Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, volume 23

"A qualitative case study of CSL readers' reading strategies"
Written by
Sha Huang in
Chinese as a Second Language 53.2

José Prats Sariol, Delusions: A Bilingual Collection of Short Stories
Translated by Anja Bernardy and published by
Casa Vacia

Violence and Trauma in Selected African Literature
Written by Oumar Chérif Diop and published by
Africa World Press

Francophonie académique et dynamique des savoirs contemporains
Edited by Achille Elvice Bella, Thierry Léger, Sanda-Maria Ardeleanu et Louis Hervé
Ngafomo and published by
Connaissances et savoirs

Environment and Pedagogy in Higher Education
Edited by
Lucie Viakinnou-Brinson and published by
Rowman and Littlefield

Justice and Human Dignity in Africa and the African Diaspora
Special Issue of the Journal of African Literature Association edited by MaryEllen Higgins &
Lucie Viakinnou-Brinson