TEFL in Asia Certificate

Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Asia Certificate at KSU

The Asian Studies Program, housed in the Department of World Languages and Cultures (WLC), in the Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS) has received approval from the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia to offer the standalone “TEFL in Asia” certificate, effective fall 2024. This 12-credit certificate is open to all KSU students and members in the community. The 12-credit includes four courses: ASIA 1102 (required), ASIA 4001 (required), one Linguistics (LING) course from the list below, and one Foreign Language Education (FLED) course from the list below:

LING (Choose one)
FLED (Choose one)

ASIA 1102 Introduction to Asian Cultures

ASIA 4001 Teaching English in Asia

LING 3025 Linguistics for Education

LING 3030 Studies in Grammar and Linguistics

LING 3035 Introduction to Language and Lingsuitics

LING 3045 Grammar of Contemporary American English

FLED 4408 Second Language Acquisition

FLED 4410 Methods, materials and Curriculum of Foreign Language Education, P - 8

FLED 4412 Methods, materials and Curriculum of Foreign Language Education, 9 - 12

FLED 4414 Techology for Foreign Language teaching

Why do we offer a TEFL in Asia Certificate at KSU? In order to secure full time jobs and legal working status as TEFL teachers at K-12 and other levels in China, Japan, Korea, a qualified applicant needs to be a native English speaker, with a relevant 4-year undergraduate degree, and a TEFL certificate. TEFL certificate is preferred by the employers in Asia, and the governments of China, Japan, Korea require TEFL certificates to issue working visas to qualified TEFL job recipients. There is no “central agency” to issue TEFL certificates. 

There is a huge TEFL job market in East Asia, which opens up thousands of jobs for KSU graduates of all majors, especially those with knowledge on Asian languages and cultures. With more KSU students gaining the TEFL in Asia certificate, more students have interest in searching for and securing TEFL jobs in Asia. It is anticipated that many KSU students of all majors aspire to teach English in Asia after they graduate, including Japan, Korea and China.

Declare a TEFL in Asia certificate on Owl Express

You can count these four courses twice: once for your Asian Studies Major and once for the TEFL in Asia stand-alone certificate. For an undergraduate student to declare or change your major, minor, stand-alone certificate or concentration, please submit your request through Owl Express using the “Declare or Change Major/Minor/Certificate” link under the Student Records tab. Please go to the “secondary program” and click the “add” button.

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